National Pitbull Day
Unless you are under 30, it’s likely that over the last couple of decades you have noticed an enormous increase in the number of designated days, weeks or even months honoring specific organizations, foods, breeds, etc.
I do not remember many or any of those happening when I was a kid, but I enjoy further promoting them when they pertain to something – or someone – close to my heart. So, I am always happy to celebrate national literacy week, national autism month, chocolate chip cookie day, pasta day, rescue pet day, etc. You name the day; I’ll celebrate at the party – except for maybe on “National Liver and Onions Day.” If that day exists, please celebrate it without me! Yuk! But I digress….
So tonight, I noticed a Facebook friend had posted that today was “National Pitbull Day.” As my heart is currently owned by an extremely sweet pup who is part Pitbull, and I have found other Pitbulls to be both delightful and loving, I wanted to pass that party on. Of course, I decided to do a bit of research first to make sure I was not passing along something that wasn’t true.
That’s when I discovered that, as always, Pitbulls seem to stir up disagreement. I found several links to “National Pitbull Day” websites and every one of them celebrated it on a different date! Some were saying it was last Saturday, some said it was today, another said this Saturday and one website was even promoting it for a year from tomorrow!
This confusion was almost comical to me. These sweet dogs are so misunderstood on an everyday basis that it is not surprising that people can’t even agree on when to have the day to honor them!
In 2014, I was honored to be chosen to narrate an independent short documentary film: “Tony’s Tale, Tragedy in Arizona,” written and produced by Denise Carey-Costa and directed by Josh Mitchell. The film was entered in more than a dozen film festivals and has won awards in a great many of them. I have lost count of exactly how many awards, but I know that it was over eight a few years ago!
As part of my job as narrator, I researched the subject and of course read Carey-Costa’s book, upon which the film was based. You may be surprised to learn that in England, the Pitbull has long been considered the “nanny dog” because of his reputation as “a child’s playmate and guardian.” (Note – yes, I know I’m supposed to use the word “it” in reference to a dog or anything/anyone not human, but, at this point in my career, I just cannot use the word “it” with regard to any creature with a caring and loving soul!)
When you have the time, Google “Tony’s Tale….” I believe you can see it online and occasionally on various television networks. It is a tragedy and, sadly, a large part of that was due to politics.
And, in the meantime, be sure to celebrate in some small way, those days that honor the souls, places, and things that you love.
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